When tooth wear is not well diagnosed and intercepted at the right time it reaches a point when teeth need more invasive treatments like root canal treatment, crowns or implants. This case initial situation shows previous dental treatments performed without taking into account the generalized tooth wear.
In her treatment, as in all our cases, we used a smile design analysis in order to plan a smile balanced to her face. We pre-visualized the design in the dental lab and made sure that esthetics will serve well the masticatory function. The design was tested intraorally and evaluated on photographs and a short movie. Once approved, this design is duplicated in natural like porcelain restorations by a skilled master dental technician.
Our high standards in the protocol for bonding porcelain restorations ensures their long-term strength and stability.
In this case, a gingival remodeling procedure was performed as well by a periodontist.