
Smile design & porcelain laminate veneers

Team: Sebastian Ercus (aesthetic dentistry), Muriel Krischek (periodontology), Edwin Chung (master dental ceramist)

Complexity: Medium

Duration: ± 3 months

Finished case: 2013

Last recall: 2020 stable

Smile is undoubtedly one of the most important facial features. When teeth start to wear, their length diminishes and their colour gets darker. In the attempt to show more teeth when smiling, the excessive use of the face muscles causes more wrinkles hence an aging effect. Redesigning the smile with porcelain laminate veneers turns back the time and gives you a refreshed, healthy & younger look.


Excessive gingival display & generalized dental wear treatment, gingival remodelling, porcelain lami


Additive adhesive dentistry in the interception & treatment of generalized tooth wear