Smile design & porcelain laminate veneers & dental implant

Team: Sebastian Ercus (aesthetic dentistry), Muriel Krischek (periodontology), Edwin Chung (master dental ceramist)

Complexity: Medium

Duration: ± 6 months (due to dental implant healing times)

Finished case: 2016

Last recall: 2019 stable, 2020: pending

When upper teeth don’t reveal themselves enough in the premolars and 1st molar area (transition to posterior teeth) it creates a shadow effect and smile loses its balance. This effect makes the two central teeth overly dominant hence the commonly used expression « bunny teeth ».

In dental esthetics terms, we call it a buccal corridor problem. To solve it, either orthodontics or minimal to no prep porcelain veneers are viable options. Pre-visualization of the design and an intra oral simulation showed a smile rehabilitation that could be safely performed without any orthodontic treatment.


Short teeth & gummy smile, smile make over with porcelain laminate veneers


Smile design & porcelain laminate veneers